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Writer's picture: Mik BromleyMik Bromley

Horizon Zero Dawn features a world inhabited by sentient machines, mostly created by Project Zero Dawn's artificial intelligence, GAIA, to restore the earth to a habitable state after the cataclysmic FARO Plague. Resembling the planet's former wildlife, the different machine types have a distinct appearance, role and personality. This series takes a look at them all with a single virtual portrait of each, starting with the PSI Cauldron machines.

On the face of it, they're just machines...


Class: Reconnaissance | Origin: GAIA | Mountable: No

Weakness: n/a | Strength: n/a

Loot: Small Machine Core, Watcher Lens, Watcher Heart

These highly inquisitive reconnaissance machines don't pose a great threat themselves but do patrol in numbers and can alert other nearby machines of your presence. Take advantage of their curiosity to draw them over for easy close-up shots.

"Compact, inquisitive and agile recon unit that will attempt to swarm a target in numbers"


Class: Acquisition - Terraform | Origin: GAIA | Mountable: Yes Weakness: n/a | Strength: n/a

Loot: Blaze, Small Machine Core, Strider Lens, Strider Heart

With its equine appearance, the Strider is the first mountable machine you are likely to encounter and can make for great horseback shots once overridden. Found in small herds, they are easily startled and will run to safety while a single leader attacks you. This can make it tricky to get up close for intimate shots of non-overridden, stealth is key.

"Herd machines that will bolt when disturbed, they must be dealt with silently or quickly"


Class: Acquisition - Terraform | Origin: GAIA | Mountable: Yes Weakness: n/a | Strength: n/a

Loot: Blaze, Metal Vessel, Small Machine Core, Broadhead Lens, Broadhead Heart

Similar to the Strider but with a distinctly different head resembling that of a large-horned cow. The Broadhead is also mountable when overridden but can also trouble you with more aggressive attacks. The large horns are very wide and can make for some interesting compositional quandaries.

"Heavy runners that will bolt when disturbed, they must be dealt with silently or quickly"

Redeye Watcher

Class: Reconnaissance - Combat | Origin: HEPHAESTUS | Mountable: No Weakness: n/a | Strength: n/a

Loot: Small Machine Core, Watcher Lens, Watcher Heart

A tougher and more aggressive variant of the basic Watcher, the Redeye is notable for its different facial optics and crested armour. Highly agile and swift to attack, expect this theropod-style machine to give you less time than it's more docile cousin.

"Uses swarm tactics, overwhelming in numbers; also capable of focused laser blasts"


Class: Acquisition - Terraform | Origin: GAIA | Mountable: Yes Weakness: n/a | Strength: n/a

Loot: Blaze, Metal Vessel, Small Machine Core, Charger Lens, Charger Heart

The third and final mountable machine in the game, Chargers have ram-like horns and a strong tendency to attack. If you are looking for calm shots, stealth is again key as the Charger is very persistent once alerted.

"When a threat is detected, these herd machines will actively pursue and attack in numbers"

That's it for the PSI Cauldron machines, join me next time for a look at the SIGMA Cauldron, including Grazers, Scrappers and the intimidating Sawtooth.


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